
Sunday, June 1, 2014

Blog is Not Updated Regurlarly

Alhamdulillahi rabbil-'alamin was salatu was salamu 'ala ashrifil anbiya wal-mursalin nabiyina Muhammad wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in.

Dear Visitors, 

I wanted to inform you that although I wished to update this bog with latest photos from the new expansion of the Masjid Al Haram but I have not been able to do so for several months.


 A lot has been changed since I last updated the blog therefore the visitors should be aware that some of the areas and pathways shown in old pics may not be open or available for worshipers currently.  

Always in need of prayers,

Ibn Hanif

1 comment:

  1. Alhamdullillah! You're back, brother. Look forward to some photos soon.
